Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Break Out The Liederhosen!

Hands, knees, slap your thighs and get out your liederhosen, we are in Leavenworth, a Bavarian Look Alike Town, which was dying in the sixties and remodelled itself as a Bavarian Village. It really is as bad as it sounds - even the McDonald's and Starbucks are built to look like Rhinish Chalet/castles.
Having said that drive to it and the mountains around it are wonderful, as is the Wenatchee River that runs through the town. It was more interesting when described as 'That Barbarian Town' by a friend in Shelton.
Although Sally found a Bavarian Cold Stone Ice Cream Shop, which was very good, of course I was forced to follow on.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Frankenmuth in Michigan - they seem to like lookalike towns! Nice ot see a bit of blue sky - none here!
